Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What I can learn about God from Children Part 0ne

My daughter Shannon often times struggles going to bed and gets up in the night. She has these fears which we cannot solve. We pray, sit with, comfort, sing, and reassure her. Our attempts to hold out Christ have been well received. However, sometimes just letting her crawl into bed and be comforted by us is just easier than "holding out Christ to her."
This got me thinking the other night. Shannon knows where to go with her fears. She comes to her parents who she trusts to find safety and comfort. We as parents want her to come to us with her fears and be able to tell us what is wrong and what she needs. What an example of God our "Abba Father." He desires we bring our wants, wishes, needs to Him.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Amen! Its amazing how much parenting and teach us about God's love for us!