Sunday, August 19, 2012


Recently I have been pondering the passage of time. It seems like yesterday Shannon was born and we were reveling in the awesome joy that comes from having a newborn. The reality of the time passed comes when she is asking to not wear pull ups or constantly telling me how much she is a big girl as she helps with the housework or plays with her hair and gets dressed on her own. I look at her and the memories of baby Shannon are hard to envision anymore. It's amazing how grown up she seems to me at 40 months!
In a blink of my eye she grew up. And...she isnt even GROWN UP. However the passage of time reminds me how fleeting everything is.
 Often times I get caught up in the happenings of yesterday. How many families are torn apart with bitterness, anger, and forgiveness for things that happened years ago and when people may have been different. Or I think about the happenings to come. Will my husband get the job, I will wait till tomorrow to eat right or exercise, or I can't wait till there are no more diapers, nursing's, or till my child can do this or that.
The interesting thing is that today is here, now, current, and what I am living in. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not yet. Living in yesterday keeps us bound. The bitterness, anger, regret, unforgiveness, what-ifs of the future, and the wishes of what life could be like keep us from experiencing the fullness God has for us.
We can't change yesterday and we can't write tomorrow. It has been written for us. Time is fleeting. Living in today with the hopes of tomorrow leads to fullness. Don't allow the past to dictate today or tomorrow. Live for today. Set aside the housework and play, reach out to the family members or Christian Brother or Sisters who have hurt or offended you, hope for tomorrow without scripting it and living for it.
Shannon will be grown before I know it. I am growing older and older and life is passing me by. I want to live for today and make the most of it before the opportunity passes. May I remember these thoughts as the days go by this week.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


1 Colossians 2:10 says, "and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority. For the past couple days I have been struggling with how I feel I am lacking. As a parent I lack patience, the understanding of what would be best, the proper balance between caring for my house and interacting on their level. In my relationship with my husband I fail often to make our home a "safe place", where he can come home to and relax, I often fail in building him up, or being quiet and listening. In relationship to others I fail in the that I expect much more than they are willing to give, or I judge myself based on their response and allow that to be the defining factor. In the most important relationship I lack in spending time in His Word and prayer. Often a day goes by without one thought of Him.
These failings have a way of creeping up on me and their voices attempt to take over my thinking. That is where I find myself today. I am thankful that in Him, that is Christ, I have been made complete. The idea of complete means that the whole part is there. I lack nothing. 
There is a key component of my completeness. It isn't based on me or some standard. In this passage the Jews thought the ceremonial law made them complete. As I reflect upon all the ways in which I see I am lacking, I can't help but notice the standards that are represented there. Ahhh yes good ideals and even biblical principles however, my completeness is not in adhering to these. As a sinful human being I will fail even in the best principles. My hope and thoughts need to be centered on  how all my failings, or sins are made up in the gospel of Christ by His complete sacrifice and revelation of the will of our heavenly Father. 
May this be the central thought on my heart today and everyday and may its penetrating of my heart bring much Joy and Gladness as I enter into these relationships a much freer person.